The Interactive Metronome (IM) combines the concept of a musical metronome with a patented computerized program that accurately measures, assesses, and improves a person’s rhythm and timing. It uses an auditory guidance system plus interactive exercises to improve the foundational skills essential for learning and development. Neuro-timing is at the base of all our thoughts and actions. By improving neuro-timing you improve peak performance.
IM training results in synchronised coordination between the left & right and upper & lower sides of the body. On a cognitive level, research and theory reveals that IM training increases the efficacy of the brain network most associated with general intellectual functioning, working memory, controlled attention and executive functions. In effect, the brains neural capacity is going from ADSL to fibre, thus improving the speed and efficacy of messages being transferred within the body.
The IM program has been shown with empirical research to produce significant results in children and adults with a wide range of physical and cognitive difficulties including ADHD.
The March/April 2001 issue of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy identified five core areas of statistically significant improvements gained through the IM training program:
Academically, for example, in order to keep up with the pace in class, a child needs to read a word off the board (visual sequential memory will determine how many letters they would retain at one glance), refocus on their book (ocular motor control) and transfer what they have seen visually into a motor response by writing the word down on paper (visual motor integration). Since the IM works on neural efficiency, all the above mentioned processes will speed up, enabling the child to perform with greater ease, accuracy and speed.
In sport for example, one is able to establish if a cricketer is too early or too late in his shot and his ability to focus and filter out internal and external distractions. Better repetitive timing with less impulsive actions equals more time at the crease. Neuro-timing determines cognitive processing which has an impact on the speed of shot selection and awareness. This improves reading the game and ultimately performance.
The brain’s neuro-plasticity is altered by frequency (repetition) and intensity (total time of sessions). The evidence based research suggests that a minimum of 3 to 5 IM sessions per week, of one hour duration each, is required to achieve optimal results. Two Intensives of 12 sessions each are recommended depending on the results of the LFA’s (Long Form Assessment). A 4-6 week break is suggested between intensives. This process allows the individual to make optimal gains through IM. Additional intensives may be indicated.
Gains from the programme can continue to develop for up to 3 - 6 months after the completion of the IM training.